Same-Sex Marriage Approval Logically Opens The Door To Darker Realities


Everyone has a worldview that dictates how they view reality.  That view of reality contains ideas that have real consequences, and those ideas are championed through truth claims (E.g., Same-Sex marriage ought to be tolerated) that seep into the culture.

Unfortunately, when worldview truth claims are not tested through logic, but embraced through emotions, reality becomes twisted.  This results in calling what’s bad good, what’s wrong right, what’s false true, and what’s unrighteous righteous.  For professing Christians who support “Same-Sex-Marriage” I ask on what grounds?  Biblically it’s a twisted view of reality and part of the catalogue of sins for why God’s wrath has been unleashed (Rom.1:18-32).      

Now that same-sex-marriage is legal does it make it moral?  On what grounds is it moral, what’s the basis for it?  Whatever your answer friend, you’ll use words and thoughts to convey your view.  When this happens you and I come into the use of logic (Click for Primer Chart on Logic) whether done well or poorly.  Douglas Groothuis talks about this issue of logic and applies it to the same-sex-marriage decision.

“He argues that If same-sex marriage is moral, then any consensual sexual arrangement (involving marriage or not) is moral. Same-sex marriage is moral.  Therefore: consensual polyamory, incest, pedophilia, and bestiality are moral.  But (3) is absurd, since these acts are immoral. Therefore, it is false that same-sex marriage is moral; it is immoral.”

Part of the way Christians are to love God is with the mind, making proper distinctions and using logic well is one way we follow Jesus friends.  When we don’t use logic well, we fail to properly reflect our glorious God and hinder the cause of Christ rather than advance it. Therefore, how well are you thinking friend?

Check out his article at

Reflection’s From Mark’s Gospel: Chapter 14 “PETER HAD TO DENY JESUS” Part 3


            As previously mentioned, God assures his word of promise will be fulfilled—come to pass.  Many of us doubt God’s word can be trusted.  If that is you, consider how often Old Testament prophecies were fulfilled in the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus.  This means for those that are yet to be fulfilled, we can trust because they’ll eventually come to fruition.

            Perhaps you doubt the second coming of Christ.  In the apostle Peter’s day, this doubt circulated among many, but he reassured his hearers that God’s patience had a purpose for delaying and thus they should not lose heart.

            While Jesus is before his accusers, none of their testimonies corroborated but contradicted each other (vv.53-59).  Jesus is on trial not for his good deeds—which would be absurd—but because of “who” he claimed to be (which could seem even more absurd); the Christ, the Son of the Blessed One!  Interestingly Jesus affirms his identity before his enemies and points to another future fulfillment of this age:

“…and you shall see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of power, and coming with the clouds of heaven” (vv.61-62)

Here again is the double edged sword of prophecy being fulfilled: rejoicing for God’s friends, but doom for his enemies.  Always, and I mean always, God’s enemies oppose his word, but those who love God and trust him, bank on what he has promised.

            God promised Messiah would come, but he did not come in the way the Jews anticipated.  Why?  The reason is because their Jewish theological system prevented them from grasping who Christ was.  This is instructive for us who are settled within a particular theological camp.  Sometimes our theology is wrong and needs to be discarded otherwise we won’t be able to see what God has spoken, and we might even become God’s enemies.  Christ’s accusers were blind to texts that support the promised Messiah.  Thus many of them missed the hour of their visitation.

It’s bad enough his accusers are lying about him, but now the text shows Peter, one of Jesus’ closest friends denying him (vv.66-72).  This is both embarrassing and heart-breaking.  It’s embarrassing because this is one of Jesus’ disciples.  If he denies Jesus, why shouldn’t any of us?  It’s heartbreaking because there’s a betrayal of friendship here, it’s deep.

            To tell Jesus: “You’re wrong”, by saying that, “I (Peter) will never deny you but even go to death with you”, is a foolish stance that proved to be Peter’s downfall.  For God’s word of promise can be trusted—even if it means that you will deny him.  Another sobering thought is when the final denial leaves Peter’s lips, according to Luke’s account (22:61-62)     Jesus:

“…turned and looked at Peter.  And Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how he had told him, ‘Before a rooster crows today, you will deny Me three times’”.  “And he went out and wept bitterly.” 

Peter’s denial has been replicated time and again over the past two millennia in the experiences of God’s frail and yet real children.  Pride is ever prowling to pounce on us like a lion overpowers its prey when we don’t trust Gods faithful word, when we don’t watch and pray that we enter not into temptation.

            The silver lining here however is that unlike Judas whose grief drove him to suicide, Peter’s heartache produced repentance to life.  He turned back to Christ in his lowest moment, not away from him.  We’d do well to follow his example friends.


Reflections From Mark’s Gospel: Chapter 12

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In this chapter Jesus harshly addresses the scribes and Pharisees.  He uses a parable to expose their wickedness they being the vine growers in God’s vineyard (vv.1-12) who desire to destroy him.  There’s also the account of the Pharisees and Herodian’s testing Jesus with the legality of the Poll tax (vv.13-17); then the consideration of marriage and the resurrection among the Sadducees (vv.18-27); followed by clarifying which is the foremost commandment (vv.28-34); leading into clarifying whose Son the Christ is (vv.35-40); and concluding with the widow’s mite (vv.41-44)

Jesus’ mastery at communicating truth—kingdom truth—was often biting, aggressive and offensive to God’s enemies. For the Pharisees and scribes to receive an indictment by Jesus regarding the motives of their heart came on the heels of their questioning his authority (vv.27-33).  The fact remains they understood who he declared himself to be, and that was the reason why so much tension obtained between the Scribes, Pharisees and Jesus.

Nevertheless, Jesus did not let them off “the hook” when they challenged him.  Jesus pushed back.  Note that the parable points to God as the owner of the vineyard—He’s Creator and thus owns everything—and the Chief priests, scribes and elders are the stewards—they rent the vineyard.  They are the lesser and they still refuse to submit to Christ.

The following section on the poll tax to Caesar is no different really.  Render to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God (v.17).  What belongs to God?  Everything!  It’s as if Jesus is commanding the community to get things right—meaning they’re off.  The elders and Pharisees are not in touch with who owns it all, but Jesus is.

The account of the Sadducees and their inquiry as to who is rightfully married to the widow after the resurrection is telling: (I.e., they did not believe in the resurrection because of their lack of knowledge).  They lacked scriptural knowledge and consequently of God’s power (vv.24, 27) Jesus said:

“Is this not the reason you are mistaken, that you do not understand the Scriptures or the power of God?….you are greatly mistaken” (vv.24, 27)

Notice the progression: not understanding God’s word leads to not understanding God’s power, which means that in order to understand God’s power we must first understand His self-disclosure in particular revelation.  If God is the creator, then he can easily raise the dead; if God can raise the dead, then he can transform our present state of being into a different one from this fallen condition.

As far as marriage goes, there won’t be any between present spouses (Contra Mormon doctrine), but between the Church and Christ yes, there will be!  This seems plain from the passage.

So, what do I make of all this?  I should heed Christ’s authority by recognizing He’s the Son of God who owns everything, who will raise me up on the last day and I must beware of blinding pride which, as with the Pharisees and Scribes, causes us to resist the Holy Spirit.  May this not depict me Jesus, but may your mercy, truth and grace ever keep me.


The Marriage Decision of the Supreme Court


In the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision regarding marriage, there will be mixed emotions and thoughts—based on your worldview.  I’m glad we live in a country where we can talk, debate, and even agree to disagree—hopefully agreeably, and not with incivility (I.e. name calling, etc.).

I know many in the gay community are elated with the court’s decision but there are those within the community that are not[1].  I know many think this issue can only be viewed through scripture and tradition, but reason[2] and experience can also be good tutors.[3]  I also know that historically Christians have been swayed by the culture, rather than impacting it.  Many are the reasons, but two in particular are huge. There’s the unfortunate ignorance of the historic Christian faith and abandoning the life of the mind as a way to love God.   These two reasons produce souls without conviction who often reject Christianity’s truth claims (whether conscious or not).

Provided are two links that can help remedy the malady.  The first one is by Philosopher Douglas Groothuis’.  In his article, he challenges Christians in favor of same sex marriage to logically argue their case.  Among the values of this exercise is to replace the “parroting” of what’s in vogue with the presentation of a reasoned position.  Link

Secondly, Stand to Reason has helpful links to help our understanding of the issue(s) which also provide strategies for civil discussion regarding the marriage decision.  Link

ATTQ encourages the reader to consider these sites, and welcomes dialogue in the comment section concerning your thoughts, worries or even doubts about this issue.

[1] (Accessed 6/28/2015): “The gay people against gay marriage” by Tom Geoghegan, BBC News, Washington  “I’m Gay and I Oppose Same-Sex Marriage” by Doug Mainwaring

[2] By reason I mean “unaided reason” which comes under the rubric of general revelation—knowledge all people possess concerning God and moralsIt’s this ability to reason that makes it possible for humans created in God’s image to make proper, true distinctions—judgments of reality.

[3] (Accessed 6/28/2015) “I’m Gay and I Oppose Same-Sex Marriage” by Doug Mainwaring.  Scripture teaches that God has spoken through two books: The book of nature (Ps.19:1-6; Rom.1:18-21) known as general revelation and the book of redemption called particular revelation (Ps.19:7-14)The former gives the general knowledge of God, the latter the requisite redemptive/salvific knowledge of God.  Too often Christians neglect the latter book to make their case and actually miss out on a good opportunity for dialogue and persuasion contra Paul (Acts 17).  This issue calls for both “books” to be considered at least by professing Christians.