A Question On Love: Does It Have any Ultimate Reference Point?

love-160aWhat is love?.  According to one cable commercial from the  Ad Council which sponsors the “One Love Campaign” it asserts that love has no race, love has no gender, and love has no disability.  But what “is” love?

That’s a metaphysical question about love’s nature, or what-ness.  In our relativistic society, love is what we say it is.  But, if there’s a Creator who grounds all that is true, good, and beautiful, then love has a specific meaning and it’s based on what the Designer and Creator says it is.

See my recent post “realtivism” @ https://answerstotuffquestions.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/true-truth-and-why-it-matters_what-are-the-three-enemies-of-truth_-part-4.pdf.

Also, consider the article, “What is This Thing Called Love?” by Douglas Groothuis who addresses this issue and explains the difference between the love of this world compared to the love of God the Creator.  It’s worth the read, just click on the link: http://douglasgroothuis.com/2015/07/13/what-is-this-thing-called-love/comment-page-1/#comment-1717

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